The Lazy Creator's Guide to More Revenue

Hi Reader,

I stopped doing a few things this year.

I bought into the myth of hustle culture.

So, I started over-engineering my business.

An example?

I segmented my email list for a few years.

I wrote five and seven-day sequences for different parts of my list.

My email marketing software sent groups of subscribers a specific sequence depending on where they opted in.

I spent hours writing and testing content in these sequences.

After a few months, these sequences dated.

If I changed my offer, I had to go back and rewrite each sequence.

My stab at list segmentation was a Frankenstein mess that I couldn’t keep track of.

So, I stopped segmenting my list.

Now, I write a daily email to my list.

I ask readers to respond to a topic or insight from the email.

If you write in, I write back.

Nice and easy.

I A/B tested email subject lines religiously.

Sometimes, I’d eke out another 1-2% open rate for an email.

But do you know what difference these tests made to my business?



A slightly better open rate doesn’t mean more revenue unless you send tens of thousands of emails.

Instead, here’s how I reach more readers with my content:

I write and send more emails each week.

Writing a daily email is FAR more valuable than messing around with subject lines.

Content is the real A/B test.

I took a course in conversion rate optimization (CRO) a while ago.

I learned why the right color and text on a button can increase revenue by a few percent.

Amazon spends millions on these types of tests every year.

And I hired an agency to optimize affiliate content on my website.

Revenue went up.

And then back down again.

CRO is a good use of time and money if you’ve lots of juicy traffic or you’re selling in volume.

But, I was better off creating one core offer and presenting that to my list.

I chased more views and shares with short-form video content.

Those numbers went up, as did my subscriber count on YouTube.

But did it translate into revenue?

Not half as much as long-form content.

So, I doubled down on that instead.

You don’t need to create or do more to build a creator business.

You don’t need to overengineer a creator business.

Instead, there’s another way.

Think of it as the lazy creator’s path to building a business.

Do less, but do it better.

Create content where your ideal clients spend their time. Ask some social media followers to join your email list. Make regular offers.

It’s that easy.

I’ve got a few spots opening in my coaching program this month. I’m helping 10 creators add $10k to their businesses. Reply with the word “LESS” if you want in.

Write on,
Bryan Collins

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