She Doesn’t Get Out of Bed For Less Than $10k a Day

Hi Reader,

In 1990, Canadian model Linda Evangelista told Vogue, “We don’t wake up for less than 10,000 dollars a day.”

Today, supermodels earn over $20,000 per show but here’s the thing:

You gotta know your number.

What’s your time worth?

Conversion Kate knows her number.

She’s a new coach.

Her number is $150 dollars for a 60-minute call with her clients.

But she really wants to charge 500 dollars per call.

Some of Conversion Kate’s jobs include finding clients, customer research and writing content that attracts high-ticket clients.

Conversion Kate is good at what she does.

But she’s wasting time arranging sales calls.

Email discussions and DMs—“Does Monday work for you?” “Wait, now how about Friday?"—consume hours of her week.

Hardly $500 an hour work.

Conversion Kate knows booking software like Calendly will help her solve this problem.

Wannabe clients can self-select a time that suits everyone, but it’ll cost Kate $20 dollars a month.

Rather than weighing the pros and cons, Conversion Kate should subscribe immediately, even if she’s still earning $150 per call.

(Sure, some people don’t like booking software, but hey, if that’s the hill they want to die on…)

That’ll free her up to solve a higher-paying problem, like finding referrals for higher-paying clients.

Some examples of low-value tasks I avoid for my coaching business?

The ones that fall below my ideal number?

Chasing clients who are a big, fat “Maybe”.

If a client wants in, I’ll open a spot or add them to the waiting list.

But I don’t waste time chasing maybes.

That’s not a good use of time or energy.

If you know your number, you can evaluate a problem.

You can solve it.

Then, like a rich supermodel, you can move on to a more profitable opportunity.

Here’s a challenge.

Think of one frustrating task you waste an hour or two on every week.

Write down three ways you can eliminate or solve it.

Then, pick one solution based on your ideal number.

Write in and let me know how it goes.

Write on,
Bryan Collins

PS If you hate the sound of sales calls, you’re in good company.

I’ve crafted a Google Doc that helps me pitch clients without sales calls. I can help you do the same. Reply “NO MORE CALLS” to learn more.

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