The Dangerous Trap of Professional Labels

Hi Reader,

I considered myself a writer for years.

Now, I run from labels.

I blame Steven Pressfield.

A few years ago, I read his classic book The War of Art.

He wrote:

“Are you a born writer? Were you put on earth to be a painter, a scientist, an apostle of peace? In the end, the question can only be answered by action.

Do it or don’t do it."

I read that book with tunnel vision.

For a few years, “doing it” meant sitting at my desk every morning and hitting a word count or a deadline.

His book inspired me to buy my website’s admittedly clunky domain name, Become Writer Today.

(A few years later, I paid a few grand to buy on the secondary market.)

I still write today, but I’m wary of labels.

I do other things to keep the lights on in my business and personal life.

I run online workshops where I teach a topic or a concept. On days like this, I’m a teacher.

I record YouTube videos about what’s happening in my business. On days like this, I’m a creator. (I run from the label influencer, though.)

I check in with a few team members to see what they’re working on and if they need help. On days like this, I’m a manager.

I finish work early and go for a 10km run, cycle, or swim. On days like this, I’m a triathlete.

I help a select group of clients add $10k to their businesses. On days like this, I’m a coach or a consultant.

I spend hours wading through my accounts, invoices, and receipts. Then, I get frustrated and hand it all over to my accountant. On days like this, I’m a rather terrible micro-CFO.

Sometimes, I sleep late and sit around for the rest of the morning, drinking coffee and reading. On days like this, I’m a slacker.

I still return to writing when I’m feeling stuck with a personal problem or unsure about what to do next in my business.

But the label writer doesn’t cut it because it’s only a fraction of what I do or don’t do.

So, now I write, publish, and coach under my name rather than a label.

And when I slack off, that’s on me too.

You see, labels are confining and confusing.

They could be holding you back…

The other day, I was DM-ing a client about his offer.

He said he’s too “small fry” to sell.

He’s worried about his follower counts and other vanity metrics.

Yet his LinkedIn profile documents years of professional experience. I bet a few clients would pay to learn from him, but he’s slapped a label on himself.

And now “small fry” is holding him back.

If you are a writer, you can coach.

If you are a content creator, you can consult.

If you are a marketer, you can teach.

The most successful people I know don’t fit neatly under one label. They do what Pressfield says, but they’re professional chameleons.

This month, I’m accepting 10 new coaching clients who want to add $10k to their businesses. I’ve 9 spots open right now. If you want the details, reply with the word “Label”.

Write on,
Bryan Collins

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