My Daily Ritual for Business Clarity

Hi Reader,

I started meditating ten years ago.

I meditate in the morning and evening for 10 minutes.

I use a series of guided lessons from The Way.

It’s a new app by American Zen Master Henry Shukman.

HeadSpace and Waking Up are both good meditation apps, too.

When I’ve more time, I meditate for 20 minutes twice a day without an app.

For these sessions, I use a mantra.

I picked up this mantra on a Transcendental Meditation course I took a few years ago.

Yes, a real, in-person course… not one of those online ones I love talking to you about.

My TM teacher taught me how to use this mantra when practising TM.

I’d tell you what the mantra is but the first rule of TM is… don’t talk about TM!

Also, the mantra is non-sensical to everyone but me.

Now, sitting cross-legged, rubbing my thumbs together, and humming into the great unknown isn’t going to help me build a creator business.

It won’t help me connect with readers.

And a high-paying client isn’t going to magically appear at my front door after a big meditation session.

But, meditation IS a nice way of silencing the noise.

And believe me…

It’s noisy out there.

When you’re looking at social media notifications, short-form content and an endless stream of internet money gurus preaching how to sell, it’s good to step back.

The last year of Google algo updates was brutal, too

I changed my entire business model because of how Google penalized creators in favor of big businesses like Reddit.

For me, meditation is a nice way of stepping back from events outside of my control, like an algo update or a traffic correction.

I sometimes read about meditation practices, too.

I like this famous quote from American spiritual teacher Ram Dass–yes he was an ACTUAL guru before gurus were a thing.

“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”

That advice works in so many areas of life.

Including for anyone working in the creator economy.

And if you’re still reading this, that’s you.

If you can sit and listen to your ideal clients for an hour or two a week, you might be surprised by their whispers.

(Think Zoom interviews, Typeform surveys and 1:1 emails to new email subscribers)

Your potential clients might want something you hadn’t considered offering, yet.

Do this, and you’ll find it easier to create content they want, instead of trying to reverse-engineer viral content.

You’ll find it easier to craft offers they’re happy to pay for, instead of hoping someone sends you money for creating content.

Now, you still have to do the work that is create the content, pitch the client and deliver on your offer.

But you got this, right?

If you’re sick of spending hours on the content hamster wheel, if you want an offer that converts, reply “GURU” to this email.

Write on,

Bryan Collins

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