How I Run a Profitable Newsletter in 4 Hours a Week
Hi Reader, I run a daily newsletter. I earn four figures a month from it. If I can do it, so can you. Why should you rely on an algo. When you can write and sell directly over email. That's what I do. And my story isn't unique. Crafting a daily email is a good form of writing practice. I can touch on multiple topics, like marketing, creating offers, and writing online. Sending a daily email unlocks more opportunities for connecting with readers. I hear from subscribers every week who want to learn more about earning a living online. Writing a daily email means I have plenty of content for social media, too. I create once and publish multiple times, topics from these emails work well on LinkedIn. And writing a daily email is slowly increasing my revenue. I haven't replaced the drop in ad revenue yet, but I sometimes work with sponsors, and now I've more chances to promote and sell my products. Does this mean you should start a daily email? It depends on how quickly you can write, the size of your list and what you sell. It also depends on what's happening in your business or life. The other day, I coached with a part-time content creator with a full-time job. He'd struggle to find time for a daily email. I also coached a full-time creator who has a list of over 1,000 subs. She ABSOLUTELY should send more emails. Look... Creating more content, whether via email or social media, is never a bad thing, provided you have a strategy for monetization. So what are your best options for starting a newsletter? I was on a coaching call with a new creator the other day. He's fired up about writing online, so I told him to start with Substack. Here's why. No tech. It's free. You can grow with recommendations. Now I used it for a few years. But I prefer ConvertKit. That's because I also sell products and services. And I run a big content website that gets thousands of page views. So I need to capture all those email subs. And they sometimes hook me up with sponsors for my daily newsletter. ConvertKit is also free to start with. But if you don't have a website, a funnel or products, use Substack. Worry about tools and tech later. If you are interested in learning more, reply to this email and let me know. Write on, Bryan Collins |