Cutting These Bad Habits Transformed My Business

Hi Reader,

For years, I struggled with bad habits.

Habits like staying up at night binging Netflix, scoffing Dairy Milk chocolate, and doom-scrolling on Twitter.

One likes drinking too much Guinness at the weekend and sleeping in late with a hangover the next morning.

Some of my personal bad habits were holding me back.

I could tell you what I did to fix them, but I don’t write about personal development. You’ve got James Clear if you want to read about turning yourself into a jacked early-morning lark.

So, instead, let me tell you about my bad business habits, the ones that drained my bank balance and sucked up my energy levels.

I wrote hundreds of SEO-optimised articles for our Google overlords for a few years because I wanted more traffic. Who needs to create a product if they’ve traffic, right?

I spent thousands monthly on a team of freelance writers and editors because I believed it would grow my business. Freelancers come and go… and you’ll pay for it

I gave away my best tutorials, explainers, and round-ups… because random netizens said, “Thank you”. Random people who will never buy.

I recorded over-produced Reels for Instagram because I wanted to go viral. Virality doesn’t equate to more money in the bank account.

I spent hours coaching beginners at bargain basement prices because they asked for help. Beginners take up far more time than any other type of client.

A business coach called me out on my bad habits. “You’ll never grow your business if you keep working like that,” he said.

So, like a junkie hitting rock bottom, I detox-d my business.

It didn’t happen overnight, but I quit as many bad business habits as possible.

And ye-Gods, getting off the content production line was a massive release.

Sure, I’ll miss the dopamine rush of going viral, but my content strategy these days attracts my ideal clients… and they’ve more money to spend than beginners.

With all those extra hours in my week, I took up a few new business habits. Healthier ones… the equivalent of running and lifting three or four times a week.

Now, I write and send a daily newsletter because I like practicing in public, and it engages my ideal clients.

I reuse my newsletter as content for my socials because it only takes 10 more minutes.

I create content using insights (instead of value) because it attracts my ideal clients. I can help them more… and in less time.

I’ve one hybrid offer because it’s much easier to sell.

I coach business owners who want to add an extra $10k to their bottom line because they’re ready to invest in their business. Reply “HABITS” if that’s you.

Write on,
Bryan Collins

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