Hi Reader, I’m running an AI workshop this week that you’ll love. The AI Repurposer Workshop: Plan your Next 90 Days of High-Performing Content in 90 Minutes* During the workshop, I’ll show how I use AI to repurpose my content quickly and easily. I’ve a specific approach to AI that I haven’t seen any other content creator use. I write authentic stories that AI can never generate. But I still treat AI like the time-saving writing assistant we all need. In this workshop, I’ll reveal my exact process. I’ll show you how I built a custom AI bot that helps me rework content I’ve already created and use it to find high-paying clients. I’ll give you the exact prompts and workflows you need so you can 10x output for your business. If you attend the workshop live, I’ll also help you plan 90 days of content for your business. But I'll send you a recording if you can’t make it live. The only catch? I’m only running this workshop once for members of my community, and you can’t buy a recording after the deadline. Workshop tickets are just $97 and come with a money-back guarantee. The workshop goes live on Wednesday at 1500 GMT+1 / 1000 EST
(You'll walk away with Content Wizard, a planning bot you can use to create 90 days of content) Write on, |
Do you want to grow a profitable content business? If so, join 25,000 readers. I share daily insights about personal brand building, writing online and growing a profitable business. It's for creators, coaches and business owners.
I’ve spent thousands on business masterminds over the years. I’ve paid for online and in-person masterminds. Online masterminds are convenient. You can join the weekly accountability calls and check-ins on your lunch break or at night. But I find all those weekly Zoom calls and live cohorts exhausting. It’s also hard to get value from a program where you must wait your turn to ask the facilitator a question. I’ve sometimes paid more to circumvent that problem and get 1:1 time with the...
Over the years, I’ve started and stopped a few Substack publications. I even interviewed co-founder Hamish McKenzie for my podcast. For a while, I figured Substack was more suitable for journalists and politics bloggers. Now, I’m more bullish on the platform than ever. I love reading stats about how other creators are finding success on it. I recently read a report from Ciler Demiralp of The Newsletter Circle. Her team analyzed 75,000 Substack publications. Here are a few findings that stood...
Short one today… If you want to build a relationship with readers and followers, try these 21 tactics: Write and send a daily email. Readers will expect to hear from you. Share a recent win…or a loss (people love the losses more than the wins) Ask a new subscriber, “What are you working on?” Describe your morning or evening routine. Offer up a contrarian take on a topic like AI. My take? Write what AI can’t. Write about something you learned or discovered. Include a photo of yourself, not...