Hi Reader, A few days ago, I launched an insider Telegram channel. Each day, I share behind-the-scenes tips and insights to help you build a business with content. I’ll also talk about what’s working in my business, how I create content and what I’m doing. Telegram is my preferred method for this insider content as it’s private, and you don’t have to worry about sharing your phone number. I’m wary of over-relying on any app or service that comes from Zucks and co. In 2025, I plan to use my private Telegram group more to share insights about creating content and running my business. It doesn’t cost anything to join, either. For now. At some point, I may turn off open access to the group, so now is the time to join. See you inside. Write on, Bryan Collins PS If you decide not to join, you can still read these emails 🙂 |
Do you want to grow a profitable content business? If so, join 25,000 readers. I share daily insights about personal brand building, writing online and growing a profitable business. It's for creators, coaches and business owners.
Hi Reader, One of the big problems with AI? It spits out bland, boring content that sounds nothing like what a creator or business owner wants. Even Claude. It’s my fav AI tool for generating AI content. They’ve just rolled out a new update to help with this problem. You can create a custom style guide for Claude. After setting my style guide up, Claude dramatically improved. Watch AI tools are time-savers for creators and business owners if you use them correctly. My approach is like that...
Hi Reader, I spent the past few days preparing my content strategy for 2025. Here’s what it’ll look like: Spend 30 minutes every day writing this newsletter Rework my newsletter for Substack and as posts for LinkedIn Publish 1–2 notes per day on Substack Publish 1–2 educational videos per week on YouTube Spend 30 minutes per day engaging with other business owners on LinkedIn and creators on Substack Publish insider content on my private Telegram group for creators I picked LinkedIn because...
Hi Reader, I started my email list years ago on MailChimp. I quickly discovered that monkey-branded piece of software is best for e-comm brands. I moved to Kit and spent dozens of hours testing parts of my newsletter, including subject lines, content formats, and segmentation. Oh, how I geeked out on segmentation. Most of these types of tests did little for my business. Take list segmentation It's a powerful strategy for some creators. But, it's also a black hole of hard work. I got sick and...